Number Vol. XIX, No. 57
Title Croatian Journal of Philosophy
Language English
Year published 2019-3
ISSN 1333-1108 (Print)
1847-6139 (Online)
Format Croatian journal of philosophy (Online)
Croat. j. philos. (Online)
Price 40,00 eur (pb, pdf)
Pages 168
# Description

CARLO PENCO and MASSIMILIANO VIGNOLO: Some Reflections on Conventions | ESTHER ROMERO PENCO and BELÉN SORIA: Overlooking Conventions: The Trouble with Devitt’s What-Is-Said | ANDREA BIANCHI: Speaker’s Reference, Semantic Reference, and the Gricean Project. Some Notes from a Non-Believer | DUNJA JUTRONIĆ: The Qua Problem and the Proposed Solutions | UNA STOJNIĆ and ERNIE LEPORE: Expressions and their Articulations and Applications | MARILYNN JOHNSON: Making Meaning Manifest | JESSICA PEPP: The Problem of First-Person Aboutness | PAVEL GREGORIĆ: Aristotle’s Perceptual Optimism | MARKO DELIĆ: Burge on Mental Causation | LUKA BORŠIĆ and IVANA SKUHALA KARASMAN: Heda Festini’s Contribution in the Research of Croatian Philosophical Heritage | NENAD MIŠČEVIĆ: Constructing a Happy City-State. In Memoriam Heda Festini | DUŠAN DOŽUDIĆ: Identity between Semantics and Metaphysics
MARKO DELIĆ: Nicholas Shea, Representation in Cognitive Science | ANA SMOKROVIĆ: Rui Costa and Paola Pittia (eds.), Food Ethics Education | HANA SAMARŽIJA: Ian James Kidd (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice | IVAN CEROVAC: Maria Paola Ferretti, The Public Perspective. Public Justification and the Ethics of Belief

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