Number Vol. XXIII, No. 69
Title Croatian Journal of Philosophy
Language English
Year published 2023-3
ISSN 1333-1108 (Print)
1847-6139 (Online)
Format Croatian journal of philosophy (Online)
Croat. j. philos. (Online)
Price 40,00 eur (pb, pdf)
Pages 132
# Description

DUNJA JUTRONIĆ: Introduction | UNA STOJNIĆ: Précis for Context and Coherence:
The Logic and Grammar of Prominence | PETER PAGIN: Linguistic Conventions or Open-Ended Reasoning:Some Questions for Una Stojnić | MAGDALENA KAUFMANN: From Coherence Relations to the Grammar of Pronouns and Tense | ALEXANDRU RADULESCU: Intentionalism and the Natural Interpretation of Discourses | SAŠO ŽIVANOVIĆ AND PETER LUDLOW: The Syntax of Prominence | MICHAEL DEVITT: Incoherent Meanings | FABRIZIO CARIANI and MICHAEL GLANZBERG: What is a Tense, Anyway?

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